Why is Gout the ''Disease of the Kings''?
Why is Gout the ''Disease of the Kings''?
@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan
Gouty Arthritis ''The Disease of the Rich"
In the ancient times, people had the misconception that only rich people gets afflicted by Gout. With modern research, it is now recognised that anyone can potentially suffer from Gouty Arthritis.
Gout's old title "The Disease of the Kings" is not without significance. It's worth knowing that Gout has a strong linkage to the unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, too much alcohol consumption and lack of proper exercise. These indulgence were mostly accessible to wealthy people of the early ages.But now, these bad habits are readily available to the majority of people because of our lifestyle shift.
Take note that lifestyle is just one major predisposing factor for the development of gout. Factors such as genetic predisposition, seconday disorder, and renal disease may lead to gout.