
Showing posts with the label health hazards

How Plastic particles Terrorize the Air and Lodge into your Lungs

Does paraben increases the risk of breast cancer?

Are DIY Braces and Retainers Safe? | Healthbiztips

5 Bad effects of Chronic Inflammation

This much Green Tea can Damage your Liver

Instant Noodles are High in Salt: How Bad is it?

What is the Lethal dose of Water?

The Cancer in Coffee

Beta-carotene 's Cancer Risk among Smokers

Dengvaxia: Know this Before getting the Shot

A leftover Onion is Deadly?

Does Rosemary induce Abortion?

Does your eye show if you have high cholesterol?

8 Horrifying things Pesticide does to your body

"Good" cholesterol goes "bad": A fatal turn

14 Facts How Light destroys your Eyes

Artificial sweeteners Kills your Liver


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