Perla Soap Skincare Review

Perla Soap Skincare Review | @healthbiztips
Perla Soap Skincare Review | @healthbiztips

Perla Beauty / Laundry Soap Review

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | Beauty blog

Young generations may find it confusing as to how Perla soap be a beauty and skincare legend when its label clearly indicate it as laundry soap. However, the growing number of reviews online across multiple platforms proves that Perla's appeal as a beauty and whitening soap is with merit. This is definitely more than just heresay.

First of all, Perla isn't your typical detergent, majority of which are comprised of noxious bleaching and chemical ingredients. In fact, Perla is made with coconut oil which does have a range of skincare benefits. With regular use on the face and body, it helps lighten and smoothen the skin.

Moreover, it has a hypoallergenic formulation so using it as a facial and bath soap seldom leads to allergy and irritation.

When it comes to its scent, it does have a strong aroma but not as intense as its detergent counterparts. On the other hand, if you compare its scent to other established beauty soap such as Silka Papaya, it is indeed a far cry.

Another strength of Perla lies on its pricepoint which is incredibly affordable and considerably cheaper than its competitors.


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