What are warning signs of an impending heat stroke?

What are warning signs of an impending heat stroke?
Photo credit: Lerone Pieters @unsplash
What are warning signs of an impending heat stroke?

What are warning signs of an impending heat stroke?

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | Health blog | 

Heatstroke is a life threatening medical emergency that warrants fast intervention. It happens when the body's temperature control fails due to exposure to high temperature and dehydration, as such, resulting to a spike in core body temperature to more than 40 degrees Celsius.

It is vital to be able to identify the signs of an impending heat stroke to be able to manage it properly.

Heat stroke cases peaks during extremely hot days, with children and older adults particularly vulnerable. Although, young athletes also have high predisposition.

1. Hot, dry, and red skin

Because the person having heat stoke has unusually high core body temperature, the skin feels hot to touch and dry because of lack of sweating. Sweating is one of the body's mechanism to cool itself down however it is absent in the presence of heat stroke.

2. Changes in the level of consciousness

There is marked changes in one's level of alertness. The person  suffering from heat stroke may be confused, disoriented, or may loose consciousness. At times, seizure may happen.

3. Rapid heart rate and fast breathing

There is significant rise in both heart rate and respiratory rate.

4. Headache and dizziness

5. Nausea and vomiting

6. Muscle cramps

7. Extreme thirst

Summertime can spike temperature abnormally hot and even exercise can pose potential risk if an individual is not well hydrated and adequately cooled down.

Heat stroke is a medical emergency which needs to be treated in a health care facility.


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