First Aid for Jellyfish Sting

First Aid for Jellyfish Sting

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | Health blog | 

There are certain species of jellyfish that are notorious for their poisonous and potentially lethal sting such as the man o' war. The venom within its tentacles, when injected into a human, can cause pain, rashes, allergic reaction, and can even be fatal.

When an inevitable contact with a jellyfish occurs, first aid should be rendered at once.

1. Vinegar inhibits the release of poison from the tentacles of a jellyfish. Hence, making it an effective first aid treatment in the event of a jellyfish sting. Rinse the part of the body stung with jellyfish with vinegar or its potent ingredient acetic acid for at least 20 seconds.

2. Next, remove the tentacles still clinging to the skin of the victim by using a tweezer to pull them off or a card to scrape them off. Do not scratch nor squeeze the tentacles during removal as this can inadvertently cause more toxins to leach out of the tentacles.

3. Once all the tentacles have been removed from the skin, soak the area in hot water to relive pain, inflammation, and itch.

4. In cases when a large portion of the body is involved in the stung or when serious symptoms or allergic reaction occurs, call the emergency hotline of your locality or facilitate transport to the emergency department for further medical treatment.


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